29 July 2012

I want my soul city back

Conversation between two monkeys chained inside a broken box with singular small window that looks out a violet river sitting a spectacular soul city of incredible wall graffiti, touching words and never-ending love and warmth:

Red monkey: It’s not funny I thought it was most tempting.
Black monkey: Are we chained for life or what?
Red monkey: Yes we are bound forever and can never be in that soul city anymore.
Black monkey: Is it all because of that peanut we ate?
Red monkey: Don’t forget the gatekeeper warned us beforehand.
Black monkey: But then whoever thought a peanut was forbidden?
Red monkey: It’s peanut from outside but diamond from inside.
Black monkey: Should I agree with you?
Red monkey: You’re late now enjoy the life in bondage.

Black monkey: I want my soul city back.

22 July 2012

I know how to unbelong the world and sing

In front of the glossy gate there goes this role model
I'm a super slave i'm a super caucasian slave
Buy me and will do all lickin stuff and know what
I'm bery bery proactive bery creative
Europe africa or asia me is the most seductive
I'm a super slave i'm a super caucasian slave.

A deafening thump fills the altogether air
The king shows up on the big digital screen
And stomps I’m a devil bludsuker by burth
Iaam bery bery keen I’m the dustbin king
I’m a big hole in this sleeping city
Fill me and live in my sleeping city
Iaam bery bery keen I’m the dustbin king.

It’s a stranje world behind the shiny ball
Praising the mindless outer
When the inside rolling to falling legs
And pressing the genius inner.
So what if I don’t sell so what if I’m not a hole
So what if I’m not a slave so what if I’m not the king
So what if I don’t belong to the sleeping city
I know what to do in the rain
I know how to unbelong the world and sing.

28 June 2012

Altogether black light

For so long she’s used to the reflection on the mirror with a black glass of her dressing table that she started thinking a dressing table mirror comes with a black glass only.
There was so much black in the room that even open windows looked shut.
Skins walls floors beds everything was black except the eyes.
Altogether black light.

For so long the lighthouse had no visitors that it almost started looking black including the light.
For so long she had not seen her nakedness on a mirror that she almost forgotten her body forms.
All she could do was imagine light and long for it on her trembling thirsty lips.
And she knew it all through.
The black is just a dot surrounded by white.

She knew it all through.
This outer blackness is nothing but just a dot in her white bright eyes.
I’m on my way to meet her.

21 June 2012

Today’s the day to be free

Imagination is the only garden on earth where everything you want is available
A mad musician standing before a vampire face and thinking this
How a table top town is full of reluctant sinners will be immortalized this once
And the walking red lighthouse will echo the deepest cries of men
Today’s the day to be free

31 May 2012

insufficient lines

oblique eyes.
insufficient lines.
paranormal views.
three went to three directions
to look for her soul.

all of them wanted to
meet her first.
and kept looking for years.
when all three of them
became tired of looking
one fine evening
of clairvoyance
they weren't looking anymore.

when her soul came to meet them
they were together.
just came across on a crossroad.
very happy to meet her.

then she said she was daughter of
all three of them.
views paranormal.
lines insufficient.
eyes oblique.

15 March 2012

Broken red box

I love it when you stab me in the ego
And call me just an empty red box
I long for your face
My best thought fails
My best emotion dies
You take me in your hand and say
You are just an empty red box
I will break you now destroy you
And throw you in the corner
Of that postcard valley
Where the dark demon fell down
Through the horizontal door
Because there is no one more beautiful
Than one who is broken

I love it when you stab me in the ego
And call me just an empty red box
And I wait to tell you
Break me break my soul now
Dont leave no sign of me nowhere
Just a spirit i'm just a spirit
One with you nothing more
Because there is no one more beautiful
Than one who is broken

13 February 2012

mr mind and outrageous words

mr mind and outrageous words
out of drifting unconscious
become a flesh and blood body.
stand before the sign of reality door
the door to everlasting lust
enter, see the ball of reality.
you just stand there and it moves
slowly hovers upto you
turning gradually bigger on eyes.
now so close you don't see it anymore
except the point where it came from
mr mind and outrageous words.

the ball of reality slides off
of insufficient face swiftly tilted.
view of the center for couple moments
at the innermost wardrobe.
the next gaze on fading background
as it disappears into identical and
stand before the sign of reality door.
the door to everlasting lust
out of drifting unconscious
mr mind and outrageous words.

02 February 2012

Sufficient soul

Revolving reality
Backdrop inner mirror.
Vertical boat
This overflowing night.
Soul fight paradox
The incorrigible demon.
Silent horizontal sink
Tabletop sky.
Lustworshiper sculptor
Gratitude walker.
Shackleless ego
Protruding adjective.
The gatekeeper and
My sufficient soul.